Like many others out there, I started this year with a resolution.
And like most of them, I broke it within a week. (Or a month, depending on how you count it.)
The goal was to update this blog with consistent updates - at least one a month. What got in the way was a combination of work and after-work - the latter mainly taking the form of teaching at my local law school. Bottom line is that I got so busy that blogging - and even fiction writing - took a back seat to everything else I had going on, until that monthly milestone had passed me by.
Technically, that new year's resolution is broken and gone. Perhaps the usual response would be, "Oh well, better luck next year."
But I don't want to wait until next year. I want to get back to where Fictional Matters should be, where it would have been had I managed to update it as I had meant to.
So in addition to updating every week from here on out, I'm going to be instituting a "retroactive posting" project. That means I'll be adding retroactive posts - one for each week I've missed since January 7th - until I've closed the gap. It won't unbreak my New Year's resolution, but it'll get FM to where it should be.
It also demonstrates how it's never too late to start working on something you've been meaning to do for a while, regardless of what may have held you back. The moment you set your mind to it, commit to a plan, and stick to it, is the moment that the false starts no longer matter. What matters is that you've started.
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